Our Global Ministries Department has many functions, responsibilities, and ministries, but one exclusive purpose. We do everything for the glory of God. This is our highest motivation and all-encompassing purpose. We do not glorify man, organization, or government, but God, and we evaluate the success of what we do by this standard. We are convinced that God's primary method of relating to and transforming the world is through the church. Our ideal church-mission relationship is a dynamic, interdependent coalition that reaches out together to love the unreached world.
In 2013, Pastor Chris Sowards, Senior Pastor of the Open Door Apostolic Church, proposed and challenged us with a new vision of touching the world with the message of Jesus Christ through three primary impetuses:
- Loving God
- Loving People
- Serving Others
Our Global Ministries Department is supporting the fulfillment of this vision by collectively focusing our efforts on sponsoring and ministering to three specific regions of the world; the nations of Kenya, India, and Thailand. Within these fields, our Global Ministries Department is involved in sponsoring a variety of projects including financing crusades, building projects, feeding thousands of people, and providing the word of God written in each nation’s respective language.
The Open Door Apostolic Church has invested over 20 years in support of Bishop C.P. Thomas in the Mission Field of India. Revivals have taken place, leading 250 former Taliban members to convert to Christianity, over 65,000 to be baptized in the name of Jesus, and thousands also receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
The country of India needs to see great revivals take place. The nation is primarily Hindu, with Christianity accounting for a very small portion of the population. The Roman Catholic church provides one of the most common Christian doctrines in the area, while protestant Christianity is strictly limited by the Indian Government.
The leadership and Pastors of India continue to conduct clandestine services in order to avoid Governmental intervention. The country desperately needs to continue to hear the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that revival can take place throughout India.
The Mission Field of Kenya includes over 37 churches in 15 different cities and is still growing. In 2010, Bishop Charles Nyakundi began the first church in Kisii highlands of Western Kenya, Africa. He began to learn about the Apostolic doctrine by watching Pastor Chris Sowards' online broadcast at the Open Door in Charleston, WV.
After several corresponding emails, Pastor Sowards eventually converted Bishop Nyakundi to the Apostolic Doctrine and imparting the new revelation of Jesus Christ. The churches began to accept and teach Apostolic doctrines, leading over 5,000 to be baptized in the name of Jesus, and over 3,000 filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
The Open Door Apostolic Church Global Ministries Department has partnered with other U.S. Apostolic Churches to form a coalition in supporting this unique field to assist in growing laborers and assistance in teaching and preaching the Gospel.
The Mission Field of Thailand is seeing revivals take place in a nation that has historically limited the spread of Christianity. The country of Thailand is approximately 98% Hindu, with a long history of Southeast Asian cultural influences and family traditions that cause strict limitations on Christianity.
Bishop Manus Intarabarn leads over 25 churches throughout Northeast Thailand. The Open Door Apostolic Church Global Ministries supports this field by sending three teams to preach and minister at three different conferences each year:
- Ladies Conference: October
- General Conference: February
- Youth Conference: April
Recent unprecedented events have occurred, which can only testify to the amazing work God is accomplishing there. In April 2019, the local government officially announced its support of the Apostolic Churches of Northeast Thailand to assist the youth. The local government believes the crusades and revival events are helping the youth stay out of drugs and in school.
Our Coalition Partners recently supported two crusades in September, 2019. We sent a team to Thailand, which included Bishop Chris Sowards, Sis. Vonda Sowards, and Sis. Kemsean Hall. During the crusade the team visited, preached, and ministered at 25 churches throughout Northeast Thailand and gave offerings to each church to assist in the continuation of the ministries in their respective city.
At the same time, our Coalition also sent a team to Kenya, which included Missions Director Joe Pauley, Evangelist Nathan Rose, and Brother Vernon Jackson. This team ministered to over 400 people in four different services, and brought back an incredible report of miraculous healings, deliverances, and over 90 baptisms in Jesus Name.
These crusades could not be possible without the love and support shown by so many.
Thank you!

Rev. James & Brenda Kiefer
The Pentecostals of Belle
198 E. Dupont Ave
Belle, WV 25015
(304) 419-2045

Rev. Larry & Vickey Potts
Word of Life Faith Center
350 South Paw Paw Street
Lawrence, MI 49064
(269) 767-3597

Rev. Jerald & Pam Anderson
East Point Apostolic Church
140 E Point Dr
Charleston, WV 25311
(304) 925-7266

Evangelist Nathan & Judy Rose

Bishop Alvin & Lisa McCoy
Apostolic Ministries International
840 Highland Rd.
Sharon, PA 16146

Rev. Stephen Bennifield

Bishop James Perry

Evangelist Michael & Tara Maupin
Consuming Fire International
P.O. Box 931
Pocahontas, AR 72455
(870) 378-8188

Rev. Al & Debbie Faraks

Evangelist Dan & Barbra Keenan
1216 Eden Drive
Inverness, FL 34450

Evangelist Rick & Ann Rush

Ben & Pam Davis
Directors Joseph & Andrea Pauley
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about our department, an upcoming event, or becoming a partner in our coalition to support India, Kenya, and Thailand, please contact the Directors of the Open Door Apostolic Global Ministries at the following:
(304) 741-2948
Open Door Apostolic Church
2630 Kanawha Blvd E
Charleston, WV 25311-2301